still house hollow lake survey

Stillhouse Park Lake ramp is usable the lake is considerably down there is a marina that's closed due to the drought the dock that accompanies the ramp is probably at least 50 ft above the water line so it's unusable I did a little survey of the marina to see if maybe I could tie the boat up there while I parked the truck I'm not sure that would be workable since all the docs near the ramp are roped off to construction and maintenance I'm leaning towards not using still House Park Lake until the water comes up which time I could probably use Travis again the good things about stillhouse Park Lake is there is a restroom close to the ramp unlike Summerville whether they were no restrooms anywhere near by the ramp that I used with Kai
I watched a fisherman launch his boat which is probably a similar length to Bagatelle and I noticed that he ran his trailer out onto the ramp and it did not fall off the end. So in conclusion still a house Park Lake is usable for launching Bagatelle the facilities are okay in that there is a restroom there are docs nearby I could possibly tie the boat off on while I parked the truck but the feeling seems to be that this park is only usable for launching the boat but not really a good place to operate from.

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